Automate workflow

12 October 2022

Every so and then I feel the need to reflect on my “work workflow”. I optimized my calendar, my git, my terminal workflow and more. Today I’m optimizing the task management workflow for me and my team.

I’m using which provides a nice and simple API1 and webhook, I can try to shape as much as possible to make it happen.

Here are the 2 automations I added:

  1. Set start date automatically when moving a task from “to do” to “in progress”.
  2. Mark a task as “Done” when a PR has been merged into the default branch.

You can set up the same automations on Cloudflare worker and even extend to support more by checking out my GitHub repository:


  1. they are providing a “workspace access token” and any product targeting developers should do the same. It is some more convenient than dealing with an OAuth2 flow just to hack around the product.