Write the number in Spanish

25 May 2022

I’m learning Spanish, and it can be exhausting to be a software engineer because I can’t just learn Spanish, I have to build something to help me learn (let’s not get into the debate if I should rather spent the time into actually learning the language rather than building something…)

The latest lesson was about numbers. I remember when first moving in the US, understanding numbers was hard. I could roughly understand the order of magnitude, otherwise I would simply accept the person to repeat the number.

I learn best by writing, and writing, and writing again (I’m a visual learning).

Some interesting things I came across were:

  • SpeechSynthesis is actually well supported in various browsers
  • French numbers are complicated (who would have guessed?) A lot of websites references the “traditional” way whereas a reform from 2020 tries to make more homogeneous. More Nombres en français, Orthographe de 1990
  • It can be a good question to ask for interviews

Go learn how to spell numbers in Spanish (or French) write-the-number.boertel.workers.dev