Death to useState

03 October 2024

As often, a quick change become a bigger one. I migrated from vercel to Cloudflare Worker because Cloudflare announced a way to host remix (and other frameworks) on a worker versus hosting in through Cloudflare Pages.

This project is the perfect use case for a SPA since there is no server side logic. Remix doesn’t support SPA just yet but they did add clientLoader/clientAction since I started.

The project requires to keep track a few states:

  • current number to guess
  • submission count because the flow requires you to press “Enter” twice: once to validate your guess, and then once more to go to the next number.
  • status of the answer: correct or wrong
  • localStorage data to show your history at the bottom of the page
  • upper limit to the guessing domain
  • language (french or spanish)
  • method how to guess the number: read it and/or listen to it

with useState

Without clientLoader there is logic a bit everywhere:

  1. before the render, in useEffect, inline functions, etc.
  2. in event handlers
  3. when rendering the components
  4. search parameters management on all input changes

Now with clientLoader

It allows to keep a nice separation of concerns between logic and presentation (I guess good old MVC but my model is kind of insignifiant).

Inside clientLoader I can now:

  1. check and parse query parameters
  2. fetch localStorage data
  3. logic to check the guess

And in the render, I can rely on HTML inputs and form to track data. With clientLoader and Form (and the absence of server loader/action), there is no requests (POST or GET) done to the server.

I could have probably do a better job on the first version to rely less on useState but clientLoader gives the power of dealing of form submission without preventing the default behavior.

Checkout for yourself: version with useState vs. version with clientLoader